Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_medias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_medias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableShoppergroups::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableShoppergroups::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableManufacturers::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableManufacturers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with that of JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/mamamila/ on line 512

Strict Standards: Declaration of VirtueMartModelMedia::store() should be compatible with that of VmModel::store() in /home/mamamila/ on line 392

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/mamamila/ on line 80

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategory_medias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategory_medias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/mamamila/ on line 80

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableRatings::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableRatings::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60



Очиститель ковровых покрытий, подушек, а также потолка и стен. 

Общее описание

Средство для удаления пятен при очистке текстильных изделий, таких как ковровые покрытия и мягкая мебель (из натуральных и синтетических тканей). Удаляет воднорастворимые пятна, такие как следы соков, и жиро-масляные загрязнения.  

Не содержит кислот, щелочей, отбеливающих компонентов и энзимов. 

Зона применения

Пригоден для использования на всех типах натуральных и синтетических тканей.


Применяется неразбавленным. Или в соотношении 1:6.

Инструкция по применению и дозировка

Разбавить водой в соотношении 1:6, нанести на чистую белую ткань, после чего обработать участок очищаемой поверхности. При волокнистой структуре очищаемой поверхности рекомендуется применять щетку для предварительной обработки пятен.
Может так же применяться неразбавленным для предварительного замачивания сильнозагрязненных поверхностей

Меры предосторожности

При попадании в глаза промывать холодной водой. При случайном попадании внутрь, обратитесь за медицинской помощью.  

Технические данные: 


Бутылка 1 л.

Срок годности

5 лет 

Уровень рН, (конц.) 



ПАВы, отдушка, спирт, комплексные соединения


DR.SCHNELL CHEMIE GmbH . Taunusstrasse 19 . 80807 Munich . Germany